Tuesday, 8 January 2019

=== VOL . 69 ===

church  of  disgust [US - TX] - Immemorial  Lunacy = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
church  of  misery [JPN] - taste  the  pain = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
church  of  misery [US - IL] - Immortal  Agony = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
church  of  satan [ENG] - Part  3 = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
church  whip [US - FL] - The  End  Of  Truth = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
churchburn [US] - Come  Forth  the  Swarm = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
chute  de  esperma [ESP - Canary Isl.] - legalizacion = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
chuushabari  konnyuu  buta [JPN] - manipulate  the  mangle  roller = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
chyld [CAN] - Tell  Me  A  Lie = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
chyornyi  kofe [RUS] - Zhizni  rassvet = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
chyornyi  obelisk [RUS] - Troyanskiy  kon' = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cianeto [PRT] - miseria = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cianide [US - IL] - mindscrape = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
ciborium [PRT] - Glass  Case = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cicada  the  burrower [US - WI] - What  The  Thunder  Said = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cicatrix [ P L ] - amputate  gangrene = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
ciclon [ESP] - Manos  Siniestras = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cidesphere [TUR] - Unprecious  Memories = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cien [ P L ] - World  is  a  Void = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cimeticre [FRA] - le  triomphe  de  la  mort = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cimmerian  path [LBN] - Malignant  Amour = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cinder [ESP] - barcelona = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cinerarium [ P L - Bialystok ] - Widmo  Smierci = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cinerary [US] - Inheriting  The  Deified = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cinerator [DNK] - centuries  of  silence = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cinis [ P L - Bialystok ] - Vile  Angel = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cinis [ P L - Kalisz ] - Who  Is  The  One = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cintron [US] - getaway = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cipher  system [SWE] - 7  Inch  Cut = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  II  circle [US - FL] - Out  of  Nowhere = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  jerks [US - CA] - In  Your  Eyes = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  of  chaos [SWE] - sign  of  insanity = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  of  dead  children [US] - salt  rock  eyes = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  of  elements [GER] - Fragments = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  of  emotions [HOL] - Endless  Suffering = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  of  force [US] - Caged  In  Hell = [raf666underground.blogspot.com]
circle  of  ghosts [CAN] - Morning  Walk = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  of  hate [FRA] - The  accompanist = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  of  indifference [SWE] - A  Child  But  Not = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  of  ouroborus [FIN] - Under  The  Juniper = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  of  silence [GER] - The  Blackened  Halo = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circle  x [JPN] - bunny  hop  terrorist  strikes  back = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circuit  of  suns [US] - Cowboy  Bebop  N  Rocksteady = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circulo  activo [ARG] - Desertor = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circumscriber [pre - contra  ignem  fatuum][ENG] - frozen  blood = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
circus  maximus [NOR] - Abyss = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
ciribus [US] - Survival  Of  The  Fittest = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cirith  gorgor [HOL] - A  Twilight  Serenade = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cirith  ungol [US] - Master  Of  The  Pit = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
ciroza [BUL] - Omraza = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cirrhosis [BRA] - Alcoholic  Death  Noise = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cirugia  macabra [CHL] - Los  Odio  A  Todos = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cisma [ESP] - Urnas  de  miseria = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
citadel  besieged [US] - March  of  the  Black  Death = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cities [US - NY] - burn  forever = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
citizen  x [AUT] - Genocide = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
citizen [US] - ambush  in  the  afternoon = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
citizens  arrest [US - NY] - existence = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
citizens  patrol [HOL] - Pervert = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
citron [CZE] - Tva  Odvracena  Tvar = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
city  hunter [US] - Crimson  Streets = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
city  indian [JPN] - Magic  Lips = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civais [US - TX] - Inherit  Death = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civic  monster [GER] - Scratching = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civic  progress [CAN] - Quiety  Guy = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civil  carnage [CAN] - Barriers  Of  Freedom = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civil  disobedience [US] - Faith  Not  Sight = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civil  dissident [AUS] - Never  Together = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civil  victim [GER] - Corporate  Building = [ onetracktohell.blogspot.com ]
civilian  boots [IDN] - Diskriminasi = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civilised  society [ENG] - no  exit = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civilization  one [GER] - Life  Of  Agony = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
civitas  inferni [ P L ] - silver  gardens = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cjss [US] - kings  of  the  world = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clad  in  darkness [US] - solitude = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clagg [AUS] - choasted = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
claim  the  throne [AUS] - hunting  the  stars = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clair  cassis [US] - Ambercandle = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clair  de  lune  morte [CHL] - Segundo  acto = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clairvoyants [ITA] - Journey  Through  The  Stars = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clamor [FRA] - Douleur = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clamour [FIN] - maailmassa = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clamus [BRA] - Ritual = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clandestine  blaze [FIN] - storm  of  purification = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clandestine [ P L ] - modlitwa = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
claude  zircle [US - VA] - All  the  World's  a  Stage = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
claudio  marciello [ARG] - Un  Caso  En  Un  Millón = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
claustro [CHL] - death  ecology = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
claustrofobia [BRA] - Claustruth = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
claustrophobia [ P L ] - Cryin  Woman = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clavion [BRA] - Claws  Of  Rock  = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clawhammer  abortion [US] - Sawblade = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clay [JPN] - Future  Terror = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
claymore [BUL] - Dancing  with  Black  Fire = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clean  break [AUS] - you  got  a  nerve = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clean  cut [NOR] - Drugfree = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clean  flesh [US] - Immoral  Sex  Habits = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cleansing  wave [US - MA] - Walking  Void = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
cleanteeth [US] - blame  canada = movingbestservices.blogspot.com
clear  the  barn [CAN] - rolly = movingbestservices.blogspot.com